1. How will strength training help my climbing performance?

    I’m a firm believer in the idea that sports don’t make you fit, rather you need to get fit to play sports.

    Weight training and calisthenics strengthens joints which means you have stronger hips and shoulders to execute more difficult moves. But stronger joints also relates to possible injury prevention/recovery as it creates resiliency in our bodies. For example, climbers need strong knees and ankles to protect against impact when bouldering.

    Strength training doesn’t just strengthen your muscles, but it also strengthens your tendons and ligaments, and improves your bone density.

  2. Will I gain weight from lifting weights?

    While it’s possible that you will gain some weight from strength training, you shouldn’t worry about it as you’re mostly increasing lean body mass like muscle mass. That means that the weight you gain will help you on the wall and will contribute to a healthier body composition.

  3. Do I have to be a climber to work with you?

    Nope! I’ve been personal training for 13+ years and have experiences from all walks of life. I also have extensive experience working with:

    Yoga Students and Teachers Looking to Build Stronger Joints to Build a Safer Practice

    Return to Sport/Daily Activities After Injuries (After Physical Therapy)

    General Health & Wellness

  4. Do you offer nutrition coaching?

    Nope! I can help with general nutrition guidelines such as eating whole foods but that’s where I stop and refer you out to another professional.

  5. How do I schedule an appointment with you?

    First visit my store and purchase your sessions. After you have paid, I will reach out and schedule your appointment with you via the email that you provided.

  6. If I have to cancel a session due to an emergency, and it’s after the 24 hour mark, prior to the start of the appointment, will you allow me to reschedule my appointment?

    Of course! Things do happen and I understand that so if you need to cancel or reschedule due to an emergency, that will not be a problem.

    For other cancellations though, I cannot reschedule the appointment. Due to the nature of my business, I can only make money when I am training. So when clients cancel last minute, it doesn’t give me a chance to move someone else into that slot. So please be mindful of your time as well as mine so that you can get the most bang for your buck.